Music I Like: Charm of Finches (2014–)
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Last week I got a very curious email in my inbox. It supposedly came from Microsoft and was a report about Code::Stats's compatibility on Edge and what modern browsers it suggests as a replacement for Internet Explorer. I will quote the key parts:
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After setting up AhlCode and figuring out the taxing and accounting, I'm able to start selling Code::Stats stickers again. Read on to find out the specs!
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On the 11th of May I set up a sole proprietorship with the name AhlCode. It is meant to legitimise and properly handle any income coming from my side businesses. The main aim at this point is to get some money back to compensate the server costs of things I host. But I wouldn't complain if it resulted in some little profit also.
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Configuring Elixir applications is a common problem point for new developers and I've seen many questions about it in the community chats. So I thought to write down my knowledge in case it helps anyone.
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I've long had certain issues with modern web development, and I even wrote a little tool of my own to help me manage such an environment. So I look for ways to minimise the complexity of my setups while still maintaining some modern conveniences. Now I've started to use a setup that relies on TypeScript and modern browsers' builtin features. This is a very minimal setup consisting just of TypeScript, plain CSS, and maybe a tiny build script.
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After moving Code::Stats to its own server, the old box this blog was running on was going to waste, and more importantly, wasting my money. So I got a new tiny box from Hetzner and finally got over to dumping the blog on it. But of course I had to use the opportunity to also refactor it a bit…