5 Years of Code::Stats

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Five years ago, I was using a web service called Codeivate to track my programming habits. After some on–off, it finally went offline in the spring of 2016. So, during my company's next hacking event, I started a new project to replace the missing service. That project became Code::Stats. Now, five years later, it's still running and I'm still focused on improving it. I'm quite proud of what it has become, so here are some updated numbers from the database.

AhlCode and the Future of Code::Stats

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On the 11th of May I set up a sole proprietorship with the name AhlCode. It is meant to legitimise and properly handle any income coming from my side businesses. The main aim at this point is to get some money back to compensate the server costs of things I host. But I wouldn't complain if it resulted in some little profit also.

Announcing Code::Stats

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This is a project that I've been working on for a month or so on my free time (of which there really isn't too much). I started it on my company's 12 hour hackfest, where I didn't get anything worth showing done (it was all backend stuff), but now it's ready to be published. *drumroll* So, it's time for the reveal: