Misleading StartCom Advertisement

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Before Let's Encrypt existed, I – like many others – used to use StartSSL, which offered free domain validated TLS sertificates. It was a useful service, but not without its flaws, for example the user interface was very clumsy to use. When Let's Encrypt arrived, the automation made me jump ship immediately. But a couple of days ago I got an email from StartCom, the company behind StartSSL, that piqued my interest.

Announcing Code::Stats

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This is a project that I've been working on for a month or so on my free time (of which there really isn't too much). I started it on my company's 12 hour hackfest, where I didn't get anything worth showing done (it was all backend stuff), but now it's ready to be published. *drumroll* So, it's time for the reveal: