Combining Audio Tracks in a Video With Ffmpeg

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I use OBS Studio to store replays of my games with my friends for later. OBS writes two audio tracks to the file, one for game audio and one for my mic. I was surprised to find that multi-track files were not properly supported by many programs like Handbrake (or YouTube for that matter), so I needed to combine the audio tracks.

Testing GitLab and Moving Mebe

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I've known GitLab has existed for a long time, but haven't really paid any attention to it before. This week I decided to take a closer look and it looks really nice. The UI is much better than the new horrid BitBucket UI at least, and it offers free private repos like BitBucket does. As a bonus, it's mostly open source and that's something I want to support.

So I'm moving at least all my stuff from BitBucket over, like Mebe's repo. Not sure yet if I'll move Code::Stats's stuff over. GitLab's builtin CI stuff does seem tempting though.

FBU: My First Build Tool™

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EDIT 2017-04-04: I have since renamed the project to MBU: Mix Build Utilities and published it on I have edited the links and code examples in this post to reflect that.

tl;dr I wrote my own build tool using Elixir's Mix: Nicd/mbu.

It's no secret that I somewhat dislike the state of modern web development. JavaScript is its own terrible world, but one of the sad parts of it is the ecosystem and tooling around it. There's a lot of innovation and hard work going on in very many fragmented projects, resulting in reimplementations of already solved problems and a ton of half working, alpha quality, 0.x versioned packages with unknown support status. With these packages, you start your project by building an elaborate house of cards that is the build system. And you dread the day when you need to touch it again.

Pirames International: YouTube Copyright Trolls

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As part of my Trainfulness project, I sometimes upload Creative Commons licensed videos to YouTube. I always make sure I have the proper licence, as I want to play fair with content creators such as NRK (the Norwegian Broadcasting Company). But lately I have received a couple of copyright claims from the company Pirames International. This would not be that much of an issue if YouTube did not make handling the cases extremely frustrating.

Load Testing Service Comparison

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This post is sponsored by Dotcom-Monitor.

Load testing is an integral part of deploying any web service. It should be done already in the development phase to find bottlenecks and after deployment when users' usage patterns are better known. That's not where it stops, though, as load testing can also be used as a regular part of the web service's maintenance. Deploying new features without checking their effect on the performance of the service can be a fatal mistake, which is why load testing could be very important when integrated with a continuous integration or continuous deployment system.

In this article, I will review four different load testing services (in alphabetic order): Spirent's, Load Impact, SendGrid's, and Dotcom-Monitor's LoadView.