Minimise Caddy Logging

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I've been moving stuff to my new home server and been setting up services with Caddy. It has been a breath of fresh air after my messy Nginx configurations and Let's Encrypt setup. But I found the default logs to contain waaay more information than I needed. So here's a snippet to configure logging to stdout (for Systemd's journald) and remove some extraneous stuff that I don't need to see:

Glossy New Blog

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It's a rite of passage for a programmer to write a blog engine. It's lunacy to keep writing blog engines when there was nothing wrong with the previous ones. This blog is now in its fifth incarnation, if I have kept count correctly. Starting in 2015 with a couple of JavaScript based no-backend engines, following up with the Elixir & Phoenix based Mebe, and then with Elixir & Raxx based Mebe 2. Now it's time for Scriptorium.