Mebe 2: Elixir Boogaloo
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After quite some time in development, I've now deployed Mebe 2 on this site, to replace the aging Mebe codebase. The earlier blog engine was written with Phoenix, which while being a great framework, was a bit heavy handed for the engine's minimal needs. Mebe 2 has the old engine's Markdown parsing and DB logic, but the web side is totally rewritten. The framework I chose is Raxx, because it's quite minimal but also mainly because I just wanted to learn it. Alternatives are good.
The new blog engine has proper Distillery releases, so keeping it running and making new fixes and features is a lot easier. It's still in very early development, though, as it's missing tests and proper docs et cetera, but I figured I'd start dogfooding it already, as this remake process has kept me from writing new posts. So hopefully in the near future I'll come out with some new stuff! See you till then!