Pitot released

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Pitot -- my SailfishOS GPS/GLONASS speedometer app -- has reached a state where I'm confident to release it for others to use. You can download the RPM in the BitBucket repository.

Some screenshots showing the basic functionality below:

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Some notes about the accuracy when using with the Jolla phone:

  • It takes a long time to get a location when you are moving. This is due to the phone's GPS being pretty bad. I don't know of a way to alleviate it in the app.
  • Jolla's speed readings come rounded to around 0.25 m/s. So for example when walking, the app will report 4.5 and 5.4 km/h but nothing in between. To my knowledge this cannot be changed from the app either.

The app is feature complete and I'll just wait until QtPositioning is allowed in Harbour to publish it. There's still one little problem, the font is really jagged and ugly. I tried following a Jolla employee's instructions in setting the text's renderType to Text.NativeRendering but it seems to have no effect. I'll take a better look at that later. (Also the logo is quite ugly, but I'm bad at graphics, so any help on that would be much appreciated!)

If you encounter any problems, I'd appreciate bug reports or even pull requests in the BitBucket repository!